05 May 2024   |   by Bro Charles Oretomiloye

Welcome to your MONTH OF BEAUTY

Welcome to your MONTH OF BEAUTY IT’S YOUR TIME TO BE BEAUTIFIED! For everything under the sun, there are times and seasons (Ecclesiastes 3:1). There is always a time set aside in the agenda of God to beautify the redeemed. Meanwhile, before a gold can be beautified, it must have gone through the season of passing through fire; knowing fully well that the season of going through the fire is not always a palatable experience. The season of passing through fires is an ugly moment that by law and nature must precede moments of glory and beauty. For example, some of us went through season of unwellness in April, it does not matter what you have gone through or still going through; the good news is that the Month of May has been prophetically declare through God’s servant (Pastor Seun Esan) as the month of beauty for every member of Open Door Sanctuary, Truro. After the scars left by sickness and disease you will be beautify! Which means that it does not matter how long you have been going through ugly and unpalatable experiences in your health, career, marriages, finances, academics and so on; now we have a more sure word of prophesy that in this month of MAY, your life shall be beautified.

To be beautified is to be decorated, it also means to make something more attractive and colourful.

What does it mean to be beautified? To be beautified is to be decorated, it also means to make something more attractive and colourful. It is God’s plan to make your life beautiful and reflect the glory of His person. (Psalm 139:14) says that we are wonderfully, fearfully and beautifully made, which means that, you are created to shine and the essence of beauty is to make something/somebody attractive and call the attention of people far and bear unto you. (Isiah 60:1-2) says arise, shine, for your light has come and the glory (beauty) of the Lord has risen upon you . In this new month, I see God lifting you from the ashes of the past failures, disappointments and sicknesses and give you garments of beauty. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to declare good tidings, to declare unto them that mourns in Zion, to give unto them BEAUTY FOR ASHES (Isiah 61:1-3)

Have Faith in God; faithful is he that has promised, for he will do it

Beloved, in this month of MAY, let your expectations be high and your faith be strong because God shall be visiting everyone with the garment of beauty that will attract nations, and mighty men unto you. I see your story changing for the best. What should you do to make your life beautiful? 1) Have Faith in God; faithful is he that has promised, for he will do it (1 Thessalonians 5:24) 2) Give your life to Jesus and draw closer to God; the more you draw closer to God the more of God’s glory and beauty reflecting upon you. ( 2 Corinthians 3:18)

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